Healing through Music, Writing, and film

Brian Turner is an award-winning poet who has played in rock bands his entire life. Kurt Erickson is a self-described literary groupie who learned to compose by writing poetry and improvising on the piano. Will Chase is a filmmaker who writes his own screenplays and has a varied musical background, studying conducting and percussion at Oberlin Conservatory. All three artists use music and creative writing to express, entertain and heal through the storytelling process. While HERE, BULLET will certainly have cinematic appeal and success in the Film Festival world due to its visual and musical allure, the larger appeal is that HERE, BULLET will also claim its place in concert halls, classrooms, museums, and homes across the globe, not only helping “classical music” reach a broader audience, but also helping to cultivate a dialogue around music, art, and film to see where they fit in the social landscape, in turn using art and creativity in our daily lives to work through trauma and emotionally difficult life events.

Where This Film?

•Joining forces with the world-renowned musical ensemble Sybarite 5 was no accident. Beyond their world-class musical prowess and expertise, they have a prolific following and are in high demand for live performances across the United States and throughout the world, allowing for the film to be presented as either part of a given evening’s program in which the ensemble performs alongside the visual element in a truly immersive performance, or performing the piece with a live vocalist, stripped of all its cinematic trappings.

HERE, BULLET would also be an integral part of any number of museum exhibitions across the country, lending itself to a visual installation piece, again with the option of live performance and discussion.

HERE, BULLET will be a teaching tool at major universities as well as a catalyst for interdisciplinary collaborative presenters not only because of the live performance aspect, but also because the film will allow for discussions about not only the role of art in society, but also the subject matter of gun violence and how music and art can stimulate thought and help implement change.

HERE, BULLET in partnership with Veteran’s Hospitals/Veteran’s Centers, opens itself not only to countless viewings/performances on Veteran’s Day and Memorial Day, but also allows for ongoing discussion, education and dialogue about service, war, gun deaths, healing, and mental health.

Check out our partners here.

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